Monday, 1 September 2008

'Head Get Mangled' Video Shoot

Saturday was crazy, up at 5am for the Gens video shoot but it was well worth it. The setting was mental (literally) filmed at an abandoned hospital in Surrey. It had been empty for something like 10 years but looked as if it had been disused for 50! How the director found this location, I don't know, but it was perfect and he definitely came through.
The track is a massive record, its going to blow people away when this drops. I know a few blogs have been getting their sly comments in recently with regard to the wait on the album release, but trust me its coming soon and its going to be well worth the wait, check the pictures.

I've got bare pictures, just realised, oh well I really need to sort out the flickr account. Anyways, don't want to give too much away but this certainly will be the biggest grime video ever made, mark my words.

1 comment:

Jenny Auguste said...

well aren't you cool