Wednesday, 23 July 2008

He Needs A Post All Of His Own

I think you lot are lazy... All 15 of you, the other 485odd views on here are by me constantly refreshing the page and basking in self-gratification and ego boosting voyeurism!!!

You might not take my word for it, but this guy is sick! Perhaps its cos i'm straight outta uni, or because i'm a white kid wanting to be a rapper LMAO!

So here are some visuals of my main man Asher Roth as you might not download the mixtape, take a walk on the wild side and view the following footage, you know it makes sense:

If my opinion doesn't count for much, which it pretty much doesn't! Take Rico Wade's advise and blaze a big fat ZOOT!

1 comment:

beardonaut said...

I know the feeling. I get emails whenever someone leaves a comment. First thing in the morning I check email, then I still go to the blog, just in case it missed sending a notification on a comment. Or two. Or ten. You never know...